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(Description and sketches below)

This is my final comic for my Graphic Novel Illustration class. Honestly this is probably the most vulnerable I've been in my work, yet in reality it's not that personal since it's just showcasing a dream and not a real thing that happened to me at all lol. So idk I guess it's a happy medium?

Nonetheless this is the first time I've done sth that has the feel of the typical comics you prpbably have seen so there's quite a lot of stuff here I'm not totally satisfied with. This comic is nowhere near perfect but I would say it's good practice and it was a story that I personally enjoyed recounting. Making this is almost therapeutic for me as even just the name of this person used to be triggering for me, but here I am telling a whole story about him barely flinching at all. If anything, I'm proud to have been able to do this. Here are the sketches:

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